lundi 14 octobre 2013

Metformin And Weight Loss Research.

By Ralph Salerno

Metformin is also known by its generic name, Glucophage. It was initially marketed to help Type II diabetics to lose weight quickly. Type II diabetes is much improved when the patient is no longer obese. It was discovered that Metformin could also help non-diabetics lose weight too. For non-diabetics the greatest weight loss success occurred when Metformin was used in conjunction with a healthy diet and a reasonable exercise program.

Metformin regulates the level of sugar in the blood. Metformin works by slowing the speed sugar is absorbed into the tissues. It also reduces the production of sugar by the liver. In addition Metformin increases the tissues sensitivity to insulin so naturally occurring insulin can do its job better.

Metformin is used extensively to treat mental disorders too. It has proven particularly useful in helping lose weight who had previously gained a lot of weight because of taking antidepressants and other psychotropic prescriptions. The magazine Redbook published a study showing that over three quarters of the people who took Metformin lost ten percent of their body weight. Other studies claim many people have lost as much as thirty pounds.

Insulin is the mechanism that causes someone to gain weight. After a meal, blood sugar level rises which prompts the pancreas to secrete insulin. Insulin then triggers a hunger response in the brain and we eat. If this cycle continues out of balance, we tend to eat too much and too often and we gain weight.

To avoid weight gain, avoid the foods that spike blood sugar. These foods include most refined and processed carbohydrates such as breads, white sugar and corn syrup. Refined carbs start the yoyo blood sugar and insulin dance that makes the body store fat.

A closer look at the process is essential in understanding the role of blood sugar and obesity. Sugar from our meal pass through the walls of the intestines and enters the blood system. From there, the sugar goes through the liver. This initiates as process in the pancreas that dumps insulin into the blood to counter the rising sugar. Too much sugar damages the organs of the body.

When insulin lowers the blood sugar, the brain gets a hunger signal. This makes us eat which starts the process over again. Eating dumps sugar into the blood which makes the pancreas dump insulin into the blood to protect the organs and lowers the blood sugar. Metformin breaks this cycle by preventing the pancreas from manufacturing excess insulin. In this way, Metformin keeps us from getting as hungry so we don't eat as often.

When using medication such as Metformin to lose weight, it is essential that the benefits are balanced with the risks. Obesity and Diabetes certainly have their health risks and losing weight can quickly improve both. However, medications should only be used as a last resort after exercise, diet and lifestyle changes have been thoroughly attempted.

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