dimanche 19 mai 2013

How to Lose More Pounds For Free

Here's how to lose pounds for free. You do not need any expensive diet pills or supplements. Just a burning desire to make real changes in your life. If you are serious about losing weight, take 3 minutes to read this article. It might be the best thing you could do all day.

Before EVERY meal, eat some lentils or beans. These have tons of fibre in them which will give you two strong benefits.

The first benefit is it will fill you up, making you eat less of your actual meal. In other words, you will be consuming less calories per meal. The fibre in these foods causes a reaction in your stomach that actually causes you to feel a more satisfied (full) feeling while eating LESS of it. I do not want to go into the science right now, so feel free to look it up if you'd like to clarify.

The second benefit is that the fibre in these beans and lentils will absolutely clear out anything and everything that is lodged in your digestive tract. Sometimes the food you eat does not get fully digested, therefore staying "stuck" in your digestive tract without coming out on its own.

Fibre will get rid of all this which makes for a MUCH more efficient digestive system. The more efficient your digestive system, the less time for fat storage during the digestive process.

I know you may not like beans and lentils (I personally hate them), but think about this; one can of black beans has about 25-30 grams of fibre in it. That is the equivalent to how much fibre we SHOULD be consuming every day!

If you can eat these before every meal, you will enjoy the benefits greatly.

And remember...you want to be getting the MOST out of your weight loss efforts unlike the MILLIONS who aren't!

Research has PROVEN many times that the metabolism MUST be running optimally in order to achieve lasting results with weight loss.

Master your metabolism [http://www.dropthefat.info] and you'll master your weight loss. You will NEVER have to worry about failing to lose weight... that much I know for sure.

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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jason_M._Ivarson

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