samedi 18 mai 2013

Keeping Fit and Lose Weight Through Playing Tennis

Tennis a wonderful game. It is played worldwide. It is a great game to loss weight and keeps fit. You can loss a lot of calories and build muscle too by playing tennis.

If you do not know how to play tennis, the first thing you need to do is to learn the game as well as the rules. Tennis is one of the simplest sports to pick up. You could hire a coach to teach you, or you could just learn from friends. I believe after a few rounds of game, you should be able to at least master the basics. However if you are a beginner, I advise hiring a coach to teach you, as you need to master the basics stroke of the game. Once you master this game, you are on your way to keeping fit and loss weight.

You should also begin to learn the rules of the game. The rules of this game are very simple. It is quite similar to badminton. Take note of all the rules of the game. Learn the game inside out, the various strokes and techniques. Learn the proper serving techniques and the boundaries change with singles and doubles. For tennis adapting the right posture and stroke is very important. Try to observe professional players and their posture and stroke.

Do also get a partner to play with you. Tennis is a game where you can play both singles and double. If you are young and fit, try to play single. If you feel you are less fit, playing double for a start is fine. Playing both singles and doubles will make you loss weight and be fit at the same time. Find a good partner that will not only play with you, but will also keep you motivated. Find someone who is active, is fit and can play well. You will be motivated to succeed also.

Do remember to purchase the right equipment for the game. A nice racket and some balls should be enough for a start. I recommend buying at least 50 balls, as tennis ball has a habit of been loss very easily. When you enjoy the game and play hard, you will loss weight and stay fit in the process. Remember play this game to enjoy itself, and the benefits will come later.

Colin Wang is an expert in weight loss issues. This is because he used to be overweight, but now have master the techniques to lose weight. Today He is a much a fitter and a much healthier man through regular exercise. When you visit his blog, you can expect to learn about how to lose weight. He will also be talking about issues about how to lose weigh as well as what kind of exercise he do to lose weight. Click his blog below to find out more.


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