mardi 14 mai 2013

How To Eat Fat and Get Healthy

Fat that is good for us--

With all the talk about what type of fats we are told not to eat, such as: Hydrogenated or Partially-hydrogenated fat, Trans Fatty Acids, Butter and the like; we rarely hear about the fats that are good for us.

This is especially true with all the focus on eating foods with NO FAT, NON-FAT, FAT-FREE, LOWFAT, or REDUCED FAT and every other variable. Many manufacturers boast that their product has no fat or less than the expected amount, and to eat their version because you won't get the bad fat, while little attention has been paid to the fact there are certain fats that are good for us, but not talked about.

Olive Oil - Especially Extra virgin olive oil, that is oil with fat that has antioxidants in it, as well as powerful fats--polyunsaturated and monounsaturated that will actually help raise the good blood cholesterol HDL (high-density lipoprotein) that we need to help fight the bad cholesterol LDL (low-density lipoprotein). HDL seems to lower risk of heart attack and stroke too.

So, Keep in mind the next time you think Low Fat, or the like-- that you should incorporate some of the good fats into your daily routine to help combat the bad fats.

Many processed and packaged foods labeled "Fat-Free" have added sugar to make up for the loss of fat in the product. If you have a condition where you need to watch your sugar intake, this is especially important to note.

Broccoli and garlic lovers, this is a salad recipe that is quick and easy to make, and delicious cold or hot. With minimal amount of work, you can turn out a great little salad that makes a great side-dish with meats or pasta.

Broccoli Garlic Salad
2 cups of broccoli florets, cooked
4 cloves of garlic, peeled, diced
2 tbsp olive oil
Sea salt, dash

Cook broccoli until done; drain well. Dice garlic and sauté in olive oil until light golden. Toss the broccoli with the olive oil, garlic, and a dash of salt. Serve as a side dish or as a meal with sliced multi-grain bread.

4 Servings

Open-Faced Sandwich

Slice multi-grain bread, top with broccoli garlic salad and eat as an open-faced sandwich.

Serving Size and Calorie Information

1 serving size = 1/2 cup of broccoli
½ cup of broccoli, raw = 10 calories
½ cup of broccoli, cooked = 25 calories
Broccoli is heart healthy! Eat your trees today.

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