samedi 1 juin 2013

Do You Want to Get Healthy Now?

Expert Author Tiffaney M GrahamOver the past year, I have focused on improving my health and fitness. Everyday is a work in progress for me. By no means am I a health guru or a certified trainer. However, I have made various changes throughout the past year that have given me great results for my body and mind. I am going to share things that I do and hopefully they will work for you to get healthy now!
Tips to Get Healthy Now

There are several ways for you to get healthy now! Don't think that you have to get it all correct now. Making a major change in your life takes time.

1) Incorporate Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Daily
It is important to eat raw foods every day. Adults are recommended to get between 3 - 6 cups of fruits and vegetables daily. Also, I suggest organic produce where it can fit into your budget. If you live anywhere near a farmer's market, get your produce there! I am sold out to the Dekalb Farmer's Market in Decatur, GA (if you live anywhere near here it will behoove you to go!). Farmer's markets typically have cheaper prices and better quality produce.

2) Exercise Daily
I know you are thinking, yea right who has time to exercise daily. I do not mean going to the gym and working out for two hours per day, but getting at least 15 mins per day of physical activity. That could simply be taking a quick walk around your neighborhood. It all depends on what results you are looking for. If you want to lose weight, then you should be doing at least three days per week of rigorous physical activity. Know what you want and plan from there.

3) Reduce Processed Foods
If you really want to get healthy now, reduce processed foods. Processed foods are one of the biggest contributors to weight gain. If you need more validation on this topic, research the mice and McDonald's study. Overall, any name brand food that you eat, there is an organic or natural equivalent in the market. For example, I have replaced all of my sons snacks, the Cheeze-Its, Pop-Tarts, Oreos, Goldfish, with healthier equivalents. They all taste the same or better and he does not even know the difference. You know there is something wrong when there are 20 ingredients listed for a product that normally takes 5 to make it. Good alternative brands to look for are Back to Nature, Cascadian Farm and Annie's for your kids snacks.

4) Start with a Cleanse
If you want to jump-start your process to get healthy now, try a detox. Detoxes are a great process to remove toxins from your body. Toxins enter into our bodies from the unnatural foods we eat, pollutants in the air outside and chemicals around our homes. There are several ways to detox. I would do your research and find a good system that will work for your body and your needs. I like to do a juice cleanse. I will either do a two-day or three day-cleanse. If you have an Arden's Garden near you, then I would suggest using their already made detox juice for your first time. Detoxes will make the process to get healthy now, more effective.

I hope that you have found these tips to get healthy now useful. Remember it is a process. Do not feel like you have to wake up tomorrow and become a vegan. Determine why you want to make the changes to get healthy now and what do you want to get out of the process. Then find the necessary steps to get you there. Pick one strategy at a time; you can start with cutting out processed foods and cut out or reduce your consumption of a different processed food a week or over a month.

The Summer is Approaching, Get Healthy Now!
I'm headed for the top, I hope you're coming!

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